Professional Me x3

In my absence from writing for this blog, I have been using nearly every minute to write for my job.  I'm writing several articles; I've prepared several presentations; I've written lesson plans and rubrics; and I'm working on a grant.  My time has been consumed by my university business, but next week I am headed back to preschool. 

I'm excited to return to the world of four-year-olds, even more excited after I popped my head yesterday into the classroom I had visited in January.  I was greeted with smiles by my mentor teachers, who excitedly asked, "Are you coming back to visit?"  I felt welcomed and wanted, and it made me warm inside.  I have no doubt that the children will do the same for me on Tuesday when I return to see how they have grown in my absence the last few months.

Later that same day I will present a workshop to the parents of these preschoolers, where I will talk as an academic about issues of technology and literacy.  It will be my first time presenting to a parent audience about the work that I do at the university, and I'm excited to share what I have learned as an academic who experiments in her parenting.  I look forward to hearing the challenges they themselves have when it comes to raising children in a digitally saturated world.

Of course, Monday night, before I meet with the preschoolers and then their parents, I will facilitate conversation among my graduate students, who will be Skyping with an expert in the field of digital writing.  My class will consider theoretical and practical issues about teaching writing in a digital world. 

Three audiences.  Three settings.  Three purposes.  I guess that means that within 24 hours I will create three version of "me, the professional," and I wonder at the end of the day, which one will suit me best.


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