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It's been a while since I've turned to this blog to write out my feelings. This doesn't mean I haven't had the feelings - it just means I haven't had the energy. It's been a whirlwind year - dance, fall play, soccer, winter training, spring musical, baseball (the world, which is an entire blog post in and of itself...). It's never ending. My role as Uber drive means I'm leaving work early, which ultimately ends up with me on the computer until way after bedtime several times a week. And given my penchant for community service - I haven't said no to any of my volunteer obligations.  I'm simply exhausted. But the last month has stirred something in me - and in the nation - and I need to write. Across the nation, students have been making their voices heard. Their voices aren't that far apart from progressives of my generation, for what it's worth. Don't kill. See human value. Each human has value. These are things I believe, AND I see t

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