My batteries need recharged

Ten years ago my energy was "zapped" because I couldn't recharge my batteries by getting up and moving around. This week my energy is zapped because I haven't had the chance to sit and rest!

33 weeks
Date: 07/13/2007
The news from the ultrasound this week is good. Our baby girl is 4 lb. 10 oz. Our baby boy is 4 lb. 12 oz. So even though I haven't gained much weight in the last month, the twins have done their job!

Life on bed rest has been an adjustment. I've become slightly addicted to Dr. Phil, and I've learned how to accept and ask for help from friends and family. Rick has learned to balance demands of home and work (good practice for the upcoming months) as he takes care of me and many of the chores/errands I can no longer do.

My energy is zapped, mainly, I think, because I cannot be active in any way. In essence, I can't recharge my batteries by moving around, and my body is suffering physically as well. However, it's all for a good reason, and it's only temporary, so I can make it!

My doctor has prescribed weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests. I have them scheduled through the next month - maybe by the time my appointments run out, we'll have two little ones at home with us!


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