There's nothing I like better than hearing my kids say "Mama."  I think Ryan is aging out -- trying to sneak in a "mom" here and there - but Megan is still my cuddle-bug.  She is also still struggling to sleep through the night!

12 weeks
Date: 11/01/2007
News to report:

Megan has learned to open her hand, grasp objects, and make herself crosseyed staring at her fists. She also slept 5 hours last night, which I guess means she "slept through the night" even though it was only from 11:45 to 4:45! She said "Mama" yesterday, even though she didn't mean it. While Rick was watching her play and coo, I heard him exclaim, "did you hear that? She said Mama!" I did hear it, and it made me laugh.

Ryan continues to be our active one. We video recorded one of his diaper changes, which we call "kick start my heart." His left leg moves like he is kickstarting a bike, and everything else he can possibly move is going in time to his inner music - including his tongue.

We took a trip to PA to visit Granna and Grampa while Daddy was in Las Vegas. Since both babies normally sleep in the car, I wasn't worried about travelling alone. The car ride lasts a little under 3 hours, and they are eating about every three hours during the day - so no problem! The babies were able to meet many of their PA fans, and we had a special visit with the Hawley grand-rents. We also were able to spend some time with Megan and Ryan's great grandparents and great aunt. Daddy returned home with cute outfits for Megan and Ryan, but he didn't bring me anything!

We celebrated our first Halloween by carving a pumpkin to coordinate with the babies' costumes. Batman and Batgirl had their own Batpumkin! We "trick or treated" at our neighbor's house. We all decided that one house was more than enough for this year!


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