Please and thank you

Last week while I was holding the classroom door open for some middle school students, about four of them said "thank you." I was surprised that several actually did. I don't hear thank you very often as a teacher. Having those students thank me meant something, and I vowed to ask my kids to try to thank their teachers for the little things.

We've been working on please and thank you for 10 years. This, perhaps, is just the next iteration.

Update overdue
Date: 09/14/2008
As I selected photos from Megan and Ryan's first birthday to upload, I couldn't believe they had been taken over a month ago. Our lives have been crazy, and even now I don't have a lot of free time. So please forgive the haste with which I write this entry and the lack of captions for the photos. I hope to make another update soon and to include more recent pics of the babies and our new home.

We moved into the new house three weeks ago, and Megan and Ryan have adjusted nicely. We all lived in chaos at the old house for the month of August as we packed, filled rooms with boxes, and slowly changed Megan and Ryan's "playground" from the dining room, to the living room - to virtually no room! The amused us with their adventures in and around the boxes and packing.

Now that we are settled in the new house, we are enjoying the changes in the babies. Ryan is officially walking. Megan, who actually has better balance than her brother, hasn't taken more than two steps at a time. She is so tentative that as soon as she wavers, she sits down and crawls to her destination. However, she loves to mimic Ryan with everything else he does (this is not so funny when Ryan, our little devil, is tempting her to get in trouble), so I think as soon as he really starts to motor around, she will join in the fun.

Both are babbling up a storm, and we hear recognizable words. Ryan's first word was "dog," and he loves to see the doggies in our neighborhood. Megan loves her big stuffed Elmo, and it's no surprise that her first word was "Elmo." She gives Elmo a hug every morning - and pretty much any time we tell her "Elmo needs a hug." We have been working on "please," and Ryan will ask for anything, anytime by saying "p...p...p...p." Megan has added the "s" sound, so her requests are "p...s...p...s."

Ryan is still a "little baldie" (at least that's how other people describe him to me when they see his picture), but Megan's is growing, and to my delight it looks like she is going to have some natural curl in her hair.

Both babies still love to sing and dance. We started music class for the fall, and their daddy dances with them whenever he can at home. Other favorites right now are the balls and play hut they got for their birthday, as well as puzzles, books, and anything that helps them walk across the room.


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