In the Shadows


Do you ever feel like you are in the shadows?

Maybe you are the mom who  makes sure the kids are fed, medically and dentally cared for, transported to/from all activities, prepared for school, and clothed/bathed/living in a clean house.  (I cannot even list all the things embedded in these big-picture tasks that fall upon you.) You make it all happen, but it's not really about you.

Maybe at work you put in 150% (which isn't actually mathematically possible, you know, but it sure does feel like it because your 100% is way more than others).  And you still come home and get the laundry done and dinner on the table, most days.

Maybe you are the person in your community who feels like a round peg in a square hole - for reasons that might be social, political, economic or some combination of all of the above.

Maybe you have just had to step back, sacrifice a little (or a lot) of you in order to give to others.

Or maybe you are just always taking the picture to document that others are living life - and somehow, you are never actually in the pictures.

Guess what!  You are still there... in that shadow.  I see you.


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