All Caught Up

And here it is. My last post from the Babysite, a decade ago.

Date: 01/06/2009

Christmas this year was incredibly fun.  Megan and Ryan learned quickly about opening presents, and each round (Santa, Mama/Daddy, Hawley, Turner) became more exciting for them.  Playing with their new toys has been good, as they had begun to outgrow some of their older ones.

Reading is a favorite activity for everyone in the house.  Megan and Ryan love to sit in their chairs and read independently, but they also love to have Mama and Daddy - and anyone else who happens to be around - read to them.  Blocks are now tools for building (rather than for destroying), and they are interacting differently with all of their toys as their skills and understanding develops. It's pretty amazing to watch in action the concepts that I teach to my students about literacy learning and cognitive growth!

My kiddos are becoming little people.  Just yesterday Megan tattled on Ryan. I was washing dishes in the kitchen while they played in my sight in the family room.  I heard a familiar "no no" from Megan, which usually means she is tempted to do something she shouldn't. In this case, however, when I looked over, she was looking directly at me and pointing to Ryan, who had the TV remote in his hands - a big NO NO in our house.  I had to stifle a laugh and remember to scold Ryan while I thought, "Isn't she a little young to be a tattle tale?"

Ryan's favorite game of late is naming everyone in the room (or car).  Both he and Megan learned my brother Matt wore a Blizzard sweatshirt during the week he spent with us over the holiday.  Then, while I was visiting my parents and borrowed my mom's identical sweatshirt, Ryan pointed to it and said, "Matt." I think my bro likes knowing that his niece and nephew are beginning to recognize him even though he lives so far away.

There are so many cute things I could write about.  They make me smile everyday, and we are just loving this age where they learn and grow so quickly.  Time is hard to come by, however, as Rick and I are overstressed at work. I haven't had time to update this site since November, and I have to admit that I don't see a lot of time to do so in the near future.  Feel free to drop us a line to find out how Megan and Ryan are doing, even if I don't continue to update the babysite.


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