Sleep deprived

My baby girl still struggles to sleep. She asked me the other day, "Mama, when you can't sleep, what strategies do you use?" I'll have to show her the strategies we used for her when she was just a few weeks old!

Grunts, groans, and growing
Date: 08/25/2007
We can't believe how much Megan and Ryan are changing and growing each day. They weighed in with a 9 oz. gain each, Megan at 6 lb. 2 oz. and Ryan at 5 lb. 10 oz. The doctor examined them and assured us that they were both "keepers." We already knew that, of course.

Megan has a penchant for grunting, and we are constantly trying to figure out whether she is passing gas or just talking to us. We had a rough night earlier this week when Mama and Megan stayed up all night together. But the next night we tried several remedies. We swaddled her tighter; we gave her Mylicon (for gas); we used the "in the womb" noise on our Sound Sleeper machine; and we co-bedded her with Ryan. We aren't sure which of these tricks worked, but she was much happier the next night. She has definitely begun to notice her brother. When we put them together (and both are actually awake), she stares at him intently, focusing her eyes on his. She also "talks" to him, and hits him in the head. He has yet to reciprocate.

Ryan, aka "Face," continues to make us laugh with his expressions. His daddy is particularly adept at mimicking him, which makes Mama laugh even harder.

Mama's steri-strips came off this week, and her incision is looking healthy. She took the twins for a walk around the street in the stroller today, and Ryan and Megan had the chance to meet several neighbors. Mama was happy to exercise, even though it was just a slow walk, for the first time in many months.


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