March, the month of teeth!

The tooth fairy came to visit this month, the first time in about two years.  How fun to remember that the kiddos both cut their first tooth in March a decade ago!

Teeth, teeth, teeth!
Date: 03/30/2008
From what I understand, every child cuts the first tooth at a different time, which is highly hereditary. Rick got his first tooth right around 7 months. I was a late teether. Can you imagine how surprised we were when Megan and Ryan cut their first tooth on the exact same day?!?!? St. Patrick's Day saw two new teeth in the house. Since then, Ryan has added another.

Megan is rolling all over the place, and she is so proud of her barrel role, which she has perfected. We've also hit our first stumbling block with the food for her. She does not like her peas.

We had a nice Easter even though Rick was away. It was a joy to watch Megan and Ryan with their Easter baskets. Ryan jumped at his, knocking it over, and proceeded to tackle every jar of baby food that was included. Megan, on the other hand, calmly selected a toy and played with it. Ryan was out of sorts in church (the second time in a month we've had to leave early because of his mood), but he enjoyed meeting the Easter bunny at the restaurant where we had Easter dinner.

The babies are both too big for their infant car seats so Rick is, as I write, installing the bigger carriers. What a task. We don't understand how companies can write the directions they do and expect parents to get it right. We barely have time to eat, let alone decipher the foreign language of baby stuff!


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